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Alcohol and depression often form a challenging cycle, but at Sana at Stowe, we acknowledge the seriousness of this struggle and offer comprehensive support to individuals dealing with alcoholism and major depression. We are here to provide a way forward for those who feel trapped, offering hope and a path toward healing. Alcohol and depression rehab is an option in Vermont, and help is available to you today!

Understanding the Connection

While research has explored how alcohol and depression are linked and which one tends to come first, the results have been inconclusive. Both conditions affect similar areas of the brain, and individual circumstances often determine which condition appears first. Despite this uncertainty, one thing is clear: both alcohol and depression are serious issues requiring attention.

If you are struggling with alcohol use disorder and depression at the same time, it’s time to seek support from qualified professionals. Depression and addiction often coexist, with one potentially leading to the development of the other. At Sana at Stowe, we offer tailored depression and alcohol treatment programs designed to assist individuals in their recovery from both disorders. Our expert guidance and evidence-based solutions are provided in a safe and nurturing environment for people seeking treatment.

Alcohol and Drug Use in Vermont

The effects of alcohol addiction are far-reaching. In Vermont, alcohol and drug use are particularly prevalent, with rates higher than the national averages:

  • 25.39% of residents use drugs
  • 6.23% abuse alcohol
  • More than 20% of all deaths between 2008-2017 were caused by drugs or alcohol (compared to the national average of 12.71%).

These statistics indicate that nearly one out of every three Vermont residents uses drugs or abuses alcohol. The consequences of alcohol addiction can be deadly, leading to drunk-driving accidents, injuries, liver disease, and an increased risk of certain cancers.

Hope and Healing

Despite the weight of co-occurring alcoholism and depression, hope is within reach. The cycle is breakable, and comprehensive treatment is available. We’ve guided thousands on their journey to victory at our treatment facility through integrated alcohol and depression treatment.

No matter where you are in the stages of alcohol detoxification, you can find a way through toward recovery. Whether you or a loved one is struggling, we’re here to help.

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder

Chronic alcohol use, despite negative consequences, is an indicator of alcohol use disorder. It affects individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of age, gender, or social class. Without proper care, alcoholism can lead to severe physical, emotional, and social issues, impacting relationships, work, and overall quality of life. The signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse


  • Increased tolerance: Needing more alcohol to achieve the desired effect.
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Experiencing symptoms when trying to reduce or stop drinking.
  • Neglecting responsibilities: Ignoring important duties due to alcohol consumption.
  • Increased alcohol consumption: Drinking large amounts of alcohol more frequently.

Identifying Depression

Depression is a serious medical condition marked by persistent sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in daily activities. It can dull emotions and disconnect individuals from the world around them. Symptoms of depression include:

  • Persistent sadness or irritability
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Many people with major depression turn to alcohol or drugs for temporary relief from their feelings, only to find that these substances exacerbate their symptoms and drive them to consume more.

Unpacking the Cycle of Alcohol and Depression

Many individuals who seek help for alcohol abuse recall experiencing major depressive episodes, sometimes as far back as childhood. Adolescence is often when they take their first drink to alleviate depression symptoms. Initially, alcohol may seem to improve their mood, but as a depressant, it eventually lowers their mood. This is why someone might start the evening feeling cheerful after a few drinks but end up feeling angry or tearful as they continue drinking. Depression and alcohol abuse often co-occur.

The cycle typically follows this pattern:

  • Depression: Turning to alcohol to self-medicate and alleviate symptoms.
  • Increased Alcohol Consumption: Misuse of alcohol leads to negative consequences like financial burdens, legal issues, and strained relationships.
  • Alcohol Addiction: Dependence on alcohol develops, and functioning without it becomes difficult.
  • Increased Depression: Alcohol and depression feed off each other, creating a cycle of increasing symptoms and alcohol abuse.

Breaking the Cycle: Alcohol and Depression Treatment

For those suffering from both alcohol use disorder and depression, a dual diagnosis treatment approach is crucial. At this point, don’t worry about which disorder came first. Both feed each other, and recognizing this coexistence is vital to finding treatment for alcohol use disorder.

One effective approach for co-occurring disorders is a holistic treatment center that offers comprehensive care. Sana at Stowe provides people with depression and alcohol rehab for individuals struggling with these co-occurring disorders.

Trauma-Informed and Heart-Centered Rehab

At Sana at Stowe, we prioritize trauma-informed and heart-centered care in our residential and outpatient rehab programs. This approach acknowledges each individual’s unique journey and provides personalized care for lasting relief. Many addictive and compulsive behaviors stem from co-occurring disorders like depression, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, and bipolar disorder.

What to Expect at Sana at Stowe

Alcoholism and depressive disorders can devastate individuals, families, and communities. If you or a loved one is struggling, professional help can offer lasting relief and healing.

Not sure if your experiences warrant treatment? The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a neutral tool for self-examination. Also check out our criteria for alcoholism for further self-reflection.

Finding Help at Sana at Stowe in Vermont

You are not alone, and your life is worth healing. Understanding the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction can help determine if you or a loved one needs rehab for alcohol abuse and depression. When drug and alcohol use appear commonplace, it can be difficult to identify an addiction. Sana at Stowe is a residential treatment center for depression in Vermont. Additionally, we offer medication assisted treatment, a proven path to recovery.

Contact us today at (802) 566-5906 to learn how to overcome alcohol and depression. Together, we can break the cycle and embark on a path to recovery.