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Alcohol is deeply ingrained in the human experience; from births to weddings to funerals, there is almost always an excuse to sip something stronger. For some, it’s enjoyed in social settings or on special occasions without much thought. However, what happens when alcohol use becomes a daily habit or feels unavoidable? What happens when you’re worried about meeting the criteria for alcoholism? Sana at Stowe understands these concerns and the complexities of alcohol use disorder (AUD). We are here to help guide you through the assessment process, explore the criteria for AUD, and assist you in finding a healthier, more balanced relationship with alcohol. Treatment for alcohol use disorder is available and we believe everyone deserves a fulfilling life free from the chains of addiction.

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a medical condition where an individual cannot control their alcohol consumption despite negative consequences. Watching this can be infuriating, either in yourself or someone you love. Social and moderate drinking doesn’t have to lead to alcohol misuse, but it’s important to acknowledge when it has. Recognizing that AUD varies from person to person, our team offers personalized treatment programs to address each individual’s unique journey.

How To Tell If You Are Living With Alcohol Use Disorder

Identifying the physical and psychological effects of alcohol addiction can be challenging, especially when societal norms encourage drinking. Certain individuals may find it challenging to control their alcohol intake due to constant exposure to alcohol and societal expectations to drink regularly. This is common among night workers, entertainers, and those in the hospitality industry. For others, drinking becomes a routine part of their day, making it difficult to unwind or focus without alcohol.

If you find yourself questioning, “What is the criteria for being an alcoholic?” then it’s time to have an honest and open conversation with yourself or the person in your life struggling with alcohol. These are important questions. We help individuals assess their relationship with alcohol by identifying the common signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse

  • Inability to control alcohol intake
  • Desire to quit or cut back but unable to do so
  • Intense cravings for alcohol
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and social activities
  • Engaging in risky behaviors while under the influence
  • Spending significant time drinking or recovering from alcohol use
  • Needing more alcohol to achieve the same effects
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking
  • Using alcohol to self-medicate stress and mental health issues
  • Drinking despite physical health problems caused by excessive alcohol use

Take the AUDIT Assessment Now

If you’re worried whether you meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder, consider taking the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) assessment to gain clarity and find support. The AUDIT assessment is an internationally recognized tool for identifying hazardous and harmful drinking patterns. Taking this test can provide valuable insights into your drinking habits and the potential severity of AUD. Even if you don’t have AUD, it’s wise to regularly evaluate your relationship with alcohol and ensure it’s healthy for you and those around you.

Drugs and Alcohol Rehab: A Holistic Approach

To effectively address alcohol use disorder (AUD), it’s important to implement comprehensive, holistic treatment programs that consider the individual as a whole. For many individuals, addiction can contribute to co-occurring mental health disorders. A dual diagnosis like this requires a specific response, such as alcohol and depression treatment. At Sana at Stowe, we prioritize identifying the root causes of addiction, offering a supportive environment, and fostering personal growth. Our skilled team utilizes evidence-based therapies, such as EMDR and cognitive behavioral therapy, alongside personalized wellness plans to facilitate each person’s journey toward recovery.

Overcoming alcohol addiction is achievable, and we have witnessed numerous success stories. Every individual’s path to freedom is unique, and a holistic, personalized approach has yielded more sustainable results. AUD profoundly impacts a person’s mental health, relationships, physical well-being, and overall quality of life. Even quitting is difficult, as someone moves through the stages of alcohol detoxification

While seeking help may seem daunting, the professionals at Sana at Stowe in Vermont have witnessed individuals at all stages of addiction thrive and heal with our support. If you’re wondering, how long is alcohol rehab?, know that the time and effort put into rehab are worth it in the long run. Our holistic approach is geared towards reinstating equilibrium in lives and relationships, irrespective of where someone may be on their recovery journey.

Alcohol Use Disorder in Vermont

In Vermont, the rates of alcohol and drug use per year exceed national averages:

  • Approximately 25.39% of residents (around 159,000 people) use drugs.
  • About 6.23% (roughly 39,000 people) abuse alcohol.
  • From 2008 to 2017, nearly 21.11% of all deaths were due to drugs or alcohol, compared to the national average of 12.71%.

These statistics reveal that almost one in three Vermont residents uses drugs or abuses alcohol. For those meeting the criteria for alcoholism, it can lead to severe outcomes, including drunk-driving incidents, injuries, liver disease, and a higher risk of certain cancers.

When substance use is prevalent, identifying addiction can be difficult. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction is helpful to determine if you or a loved one needs alcohol addiction treatment.

A Path Toward Recovery: Sana at Stowe, Vermont

Sana at Stowe offers holistic healing and personal transformation for anyone seeing their own story in the criteria for alcoholism. Our residential rehab program and detox management facility in Vermont welcomes people from all walks of life with the common goal of breaking free from alcohol use disorder and embracing a life of vitality and purpose.

Seeking help is a powerful step, and we aim to empower those struggling with alcohol and drug abuse to regain and maintain their strength. If you’re concerned about meeting the criteria for AUD, call us today at (802) 566-5906, to start your recovery journey.